What restaurants actually need to thrive
Besides the obvious, rent abatement, tax deferrals and immediate unemployment benefits. What else can you do to survive in these times?
The short term solutions are to lean in to social media and email list. Offering customers slight discounts or gift cards for future use are ways to tell your story as well as keep folks in touch with your business. People miss interaction, but this gives patrons and businesses an opportunity to maintain virtual relationships. Another option is utilize community & media relations by reaching out to local chambers, reps and organizations that give incentives. Websites like Memphis Restaurant Association are a great resource for finding out more updates about things in your area (https://memphisrestaurants.com/).
Utilizing delivery partners like Uber Eats, Grub Hub and DoorDash maybe be ideal during this time because they are waiving delivery fees all together or with a certain amount per order. This option not only allows folks to shelter at home, but it gives them the chance to support a local business. Now, what happens with the left over food? How about donating it to a nursing home or local hospital. This build brand recognition and shows you care. (Folks will remember that.)
Some long term solutions are to stay open for takeout/delivery, increase remote online ordering options or to close. The National Restaurant Association provides a list of business continuity strategies that employees should practice while remaining open (link below). In addition, there are grants, loans and lending programs available for those in need.
Ultimately, it’s about making the best decision for your business and your family… and that’s the toughest decision of all.
A list of small business relief programs can be found here https://www.forbes.com/sites/advisor/2020/03/20/list-of-coronavirus-covid-19-small-business-relief-programs/#42fbfc55e89d.
Check out #theGreatAmericanTakeOut movement on twitter, along with more restaurant industry highlights here at https://www.nrn.com/.
National Restaurant Association (https://restaurant.org/Covid19)